
Menampilkan postingan dari 2014

12 Things About SEO

Jasa SEO | Studies show that over 90% of all online users use search engines to find what they are looking for, whether products/services, or just plain old information.  The following twelve points will, I hope, summarize a philosophy, approach and methodology to the SEO question which is both sound and effective, along with giving some helpful insight into the industry itself.  1. Content. Content. Content.  Effective, professional, optimized Copywriting is the single, most important factor in any SEO campaign. Search engines index websites based on the content found on each page of the site. With a thorough understanding of the language and grammatical conventions combined with intensive research, to find and exploit the market focus, one can move a website to the upper echelon of the “SERP’s” (Search Engine Results Page) in a methodical as well as ethical manner.  2. Analyze Web Logs.  Measure everything, at least twice, and then check...

Pakar SEO Dan Jasa SEO

Pakar SEO | sangat menarik ketika berbicara mengenai topik Pakar SEO, terutama saat ini dimana perkembangan teknologi informasi telah berkembang dengan pesat ada banyak muncul yang mengaku sebagai pakar SEO dengan memberikan jasa SEO dan atau sebagai konsultan SEO. Sebagian ada yang bisa dilacak track recordnya dan sebagian lagi ada yang tidak diketahui, untuk mengenal mereka biasanya bisa dengan mudah ditelusuri melalui komunitas-komunitas internet marketing. Seorang Pakar SEO biasanya melakukan pencitraan melalui komunitas internet marketing atau melalui sosial media. beberapa yang memang memiliki kemampuan SEO melakukan pencitraan melalui search engine secara langsung dengan mengoptimasi kata kunci yang berhubungan dengan jasa SEO, Pakar SEO atau Konsultan SEO. Tipikal seorang Pakar SEO biasanya sibuk dengan kegiatan bisnisnya sendiri, mereka sebagaian ada yang melakukan bisnis online dengan menjual produk atau jasa dan sebagian lagi ada yang bermain bisnis affiliasi ata...

Why Market Research Companies Pay For Your Opinion?

Take this fact. Every year, the companies based in the United States pay out more than 300 billion US dollars in an attempt to convince their consumers to purchase their services and products. They research the market on a very big scale and actually pay their consumers for that. Now you would think why market research companies pay for your opinion ? The market research companies pay you because they value you as a consumer. They need to understand what you as a consumer think and what exactly makes you prefer certain products over the others. Your opinion enables the companies to get their products and services better. They then try to make their products in a way you like them. The better they know you as a consumer, the better are the chances of their making up more money. Your opinion is precious to the company whose products and services you use. As they spend numerous pounds on advertising after making new products, they wish to know what you as a customer think. They pay you ...

Promosi Bisnis Online

Promosi Bisnis online -  anda yang memiliki kegiatan berbisnis secara online tentunya memahami betul pentingnya sebuah kegaitan promosi untuk memperkenalkan produk kita kepada calon konsumen, sehingga ketika produk kita sudah diketahui oleh mereka maka akan meningkatkan penjualan terhadap produk atau jasa yang kita tawarkan. tempat promosi bisnis online , promosi online - hadirkan produk anda di internet‎ dengan baik. - oleh tatang iwan suryana - promosi bisnis online | istilah bisnis online saat ini semakin dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. promosi bisnis online | ketika kita mulai terjun berbisnis secara online, terkadang kita membutuhkan banyak pembelajaran agar bisa benar-benar memahami tentang bisnis yan gkita geluti. terutama yang berhubungan dengan cara berpromosi.  promosi bisnis online, promosi bisnis online gratis. link anda bisa nempel terus anda bisa dibantu melakukan promosi oleh 1.000.000 orang lebih, mau? anda ingin agar link ke situs anda leb...

SEO Made Easy

SEO Made Easy - Winning Tactics For Internet Business Success Jasa SEO | Search engines are very difficult to completely understand. There are no complete explanations of how their ranking algorithms work. But the very fact that the average person does not intuitively know how to crack the search engine algorithms leads to all sorts of the same questions, usually variations of: "How do I get my website to the top of the search engine results pile?" Search engine optimization is not magic or something equally difficult to understand. Instead, it is a step-by-step process and you should look at it that way. It can be summarized in the following points: An understanding of how search engines think. Knowing what search engines want Learning proven optimization techniques Applying your knowledge time and time again (experience - commonly known as trial and error!). Of course, SEO is not completely explained by these four sentences. An automated software solution can...